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Join a Group

Mercer County is a great place for all stages of family life, from single professionals, dating or engaged, to married, or to raising children and teens. Interested in joining one of our groups? Fill out our Contact Form and we'll get in touch!

Bible Lesson

Mission Groups


Mission Groups are the primary place where we are known and cared for. It is within these small communities that men and women can build personal relationships and practice applying the gospel in their lives. Mission Groups are the place where first-time visitors can see the love of Christ in action, ask skeptical questions and explore Christianity. Our hope is that everyone who attends our church will be involved in a mission Group.

Youth & Family Ministry 


The Youth & Family Ministry equips singles, couples, parents and children to love God, love each other and love the community by real, interpersonal relationships and offering practical support as families apply their faith to their everyday lives.

Kids in Preschool
Happy Family

Middle & High School Ministry 


Our middle and high school students engage in life the same way that adults do. They’re diverse, they have dedicated ministries and their own very unique and fun events. They serve the community alongside our other members and are free to be themselves while they learn about their lives and their faith with people just like them.

Campus Ministry 


Discover a group of students that are excited about both their education and their faith. Our Campus Ministry students make the most of their unique opportunities on and off campus through devotionals, service, trips, fun, faith-based events and more. Here, believers and non-believers alike can engage in real campus life to grow both academically and spiritually.


MOSAIC Ministry 


We are a group Single Men and Women in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, who are actively pursuing a relationship with Jesus by living out God’s purposes for our life. Our goal is to equip Single adults to be strong in their faith and to play an active role in the church.

PaceSetters (55+) Ministry 


We provide a Christ-centered setting where our Pace setters can develop lasting friendships, strengthen their faith, share their talents, and stay active and healthy! Whether it is training the younger generation, sharing wisdom, or recounting God’s faithfulness, older adults have an important function in the kingdom of God.

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Three Homes. One Family. One Mission.

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